Sunday, January 01, 2006


It’s funny how my brain can capture the most ridiculous and useless things. Yes, this is purely gibberish only Ron would know what it is. Not only do I remember this "spell", I also remember Kerolamistikootalimochawnokeeto and Homminitingkabooroilabejuteraybong although I can’t remember the exact spelling.

And what are these? Spells found in various stories of Enid Blyton. I remember Hatikatikuli was uttered when the magic train that would only stop when the Princess who owned it said this spell. The rest, I can’t remember, perhaps found in the Three Brownies (Hop, Skip and Jump). It’s been a long time since I’ve read them and yet I can remember these 13 syllable words. It’s more fun that saying a mere "Abracadabra" though.

Ask me to recall what my boss asked me to do last week and I can’t.


Grace said...

I remember the magic words too!!!

Anonymous said...

and we would tickle you and that was the magic word which was supposed to stop the tickling... sometimes it didnt!

Anonymous said...

That's so funny! I was just re-reading some Enid Blyton books and thinking about how funny her "spell" words were.

Clarissa said...

I was just reminiscing about my Enid Blyton books and suddenly remembered the word "HatiKatiKuli". I wondered if google would give me any hits for it. Lo and behold, this blog popped up! Guess I'm not the only one who remembers random words and phrases from old Enid Blyton books!