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It had a outer plastic circle and you need to place a second coin sized plastic thingamajig with holes and then poke a pencil into one of the holes and turn the plastic coin around the inside circumference of the outer plastic... Aaarrrghh... I don't know how to describe it but it proved to be a lot of fun for me when I was young. No computers then mah. It'd be cool to get hold of a set to keep though. Problem is, how and where on earth do I start looking for it? Ah! Maybe the sundry shop guy...
The other thing I remember is Kalkitos. Man! Remember those? I remembered having the Disney Alley Cats one and I had to scratch the cats out all over the dilapitated piano. We were only rewarded them when we went to Penang once in a blue moon.
I found this thing at a garage sale for $2. I am keeping it for the kids.
cool stuff, isnt' it? my friends say it's just referred to a stencil.
Kalkitos, those sure were expensive weren't they? I remember longing for them but never getting them. It must have cost something big like 10 bucks or something.
There was the other one too, where you had to buy this snack and it came with stickers that you had to paste on line drawings in another picture book you had to buy and the first one to compile a complete book would win something cool like a bike.
Taking about prizes, I have not gotten over the amazingly cool stuff that you can buy/win in those Archie comics.
I believe the thing is called spirograph. who is harlequin?
harlequin: apparently they would be something like rm2 now but the thing is, at that time, rm2 was a whole fornight's pocket money. so yeah, we were deprived! by the way, what stuff you buy and win in archie comics? i read them but never noticed.
by the way, karen is my cousin in canada. karen, meet harlequin, someone who's just about to plunge into the dark mass of law in less than a month. i'm sure you have a favourite catch phrase for that by now so i'll leave you to introduce yourself hor...
karen: really?? thanks!
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