Sunday, August 10, 2008

Pick Me Ups

After a long horrible week, my week started picking up as soon as I bumped into an ex-colleague. We screamed the mamak down when we saw each other and basically caused a slight commotion as we hugged and exchanged our hellos. It was really good to see her after so long and I really missed the atmosphere she brings to work. And when I'm with her, I also become crazy and exaggerated.

Then the next day, the rat we've been trying to catch for SO long finally got caught. We had already given up hope that it would be lured to the bait so I got really excited about catching this one.

That evening, I happened to call Mum and only found out that Grace and family were there. Had a really great weekend hanging out with them, playing with the kids, went shopping with Grace and bought my first watch in ages after a "short" contemplation. Hey, 2.5 months is a short time for deciding something. Like my other interests, I knew I had to get a cheap reliable one and see how well I take to watches after so long.

Now I'm ready to face a new week. If only all weeks ended this way. :)

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