Sunday, August 13, 2006


I very nearly kissed the ground as soon as I got down from the AirAsia plane (and now I can't type as I've forgotten where the keys are after so many days of not seeing a keyboard). But no, my lack of typing skills isn't what I want to talk about.

Yes, I'm back and suffering from purging since Wednesday. Cambodia wasn't that bad. Just that right now if you asked me if I want to go back next year, it will be met with a resounding "No, thank you".

So I have regrets for going? No. All will be explained in due time. Now is time for me to enjoy my creature comforts of a matress and breathe in cool air-cond air that isn't filled with sawdust and insects. Bliss...


Grace said...

Welcome back Jo, can't wait to hear abt the trip. When I went to PNG, I couldn't wait to get out of that place...Hope you were not so unfortunate to eat stuff like grass and possums and bats like I was.

MlleMonster said...

Good to have you home, Jo.