Sunday, September 09, 2007


Branding has always been company logos, taglines, corporate colours, less popularly jingles or short clips (think Harvey Norman and Intel) but "I personally believe..." (sorry, can't help but quote Miss South Carolina there) that there is the branding of smells, which is not very apparent to most people.

I received the 2008 IKEA catalogue and it smells of IKEA. And when I drive by the IKEA warehouse in Shah Alam, it smells of IKEA. The wood-smell always makes me think I'm breathing in sawdust. Now that the catalogue has sat on my desk for more than 48 hours, the smell is less pungent. There must be an IKEA fragrance out there which they soak all their stuff in for this branding.

1 comment:

MlleMonster said...

And Famous Amos cookies! Don't forget the Free Smells!