Monday, June 11, 2007

Are You An Organ Donor Yet?

It’s amazing what I can get up to while waiting for KS to pick me from work. Instead of continuing my work, it is more fun to do other stuff which you normally wouldn’t. Like calling up the National Donor Foundation and asking them to send you a form.

KS and I have talked about this and it’s always been a matter of fact thing. I mean, why not? Why would I need my organs when I die anyway? I think I’ve described my perfect burial before so I won’t go there. Now I’m actually taking one step towards making the first part a reality by registering.

And in the process, I’m going to start recruiting others to sign up too. Don’t like doing things alone.


Karen said...

It's funny how people are so weird about organ donation. I feel the same as you and carry my signed organ donation card with me all the time.

Anonymous said...

When you get your driver's licence here, they ask if you want to becomne an organ donor - the info is kept on the card. Im one too!
By the way have you seen this weird show called "Basic Anatomy for beginners"? Its a weird German surgeon who goes around recruiting people to donate their bodies to science when they die. Thats the first episode. What follows is pretty interesting, even nauseous :). He dissects real human bodies in front of people (something like an audience in Oprah that kind of thing) and if its lungs for this week, then he shows how oxygen gets into our bloodstream. So he takes knives, scalpels and even a saw sometimes to cut away the ribcage etc and pulls out the lungs and dissects it. You get the idea...I think its on dvd.