Monday, June 11, 2007

June 10th

In 2003, KL was hit by one of the worst floods ever, with the famous Dataran Merdeka submerged under the murky waters which rose from the river nearby. Actor’s Studio and the Dama Orchestra had offices under the Dataran Merdeka and lost irreplaceable works and equipment. Cars parked nearby and under were quickly overwhelmed by the waters as most people could only run out of their underground offices before the water drowned everything in mere minutes.

Yesterday, KL was hit again, with all the same spots as 2003. I now work around this area and the mud caked roads and rubbish decorated shrubs are surely something to gawk at, since it has been reported the flood waters rose to 1m.

Both floods happened on 10th June. Why I remember this is because I was stuck in a 3 hour jam in 2003 while waiting for the waters to subside. And June 10th is Jan’s birthday so I kept linking the flood to her.

The good thing about yesterday was that it wasn’t a work day. Not as many people were affected as it could have been. The bad thing is, I didn’t get to see the waters rising. As you know, I’ve had this freakish desire to see the famous floods here. To my delight, I’m not the only freak as my colleagues have mentioned the same thing.

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