Sunday, October 14, 2007

Organ Donation

A couple of months ago, I was gung-ho about donating my organs. After calling the foundation to get the necessary forms, I started distributing the extra forms to my colleagues and encouraged them to sign up for the cause.

Then, as I looked at the forms, I suddenly felt uneasy. Why? Because while I completely believe in the good of donating my organs when I’m gone, I lack the faith in the execution of the process. In other words, I do not have the faith in the doctors who may pronounce me brain dead while there still may be the chance that I might revive.

There have been too many stories of doctors doing certain things to bring in the cash. One recent example is that of my colleague, who went for an eye operation and came out worse. He was only told after the operation that this is expected and that he had to go back for a second operation in 12 months.

So questions like, “What if the doctor has a relative/friend/buyer of an organ and persuades the family to start donating the organs prematurely?” is stopping me from registering.

Plus now the government is trying to make it a rule that once you have signed for the organ donation, the family members are not allowed to protest against the harvesting. Perhaps what I’ll do is to leave the decision to KS or my family, to release my organs when the time is right rather than signing the form.

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