Traps were set but somehow, the bait didn't appeal to it. We coaxed it with bread, bak kut teh meat, laced it with curry as it bit through a few curry packets and even stuck a packet of Mamee in the trap. All this in vain.
Then last Friday, KS and I saw the rascal scampering into the kitchen. I attached a packet of biscuits in the trap and set it in the kitchen. But knowing how smart its been with traps, I figured it would probably be another unsuccessful attempt.
So I took out an old magazine, opened it and faced down, slathered some rat glue on the cover and placed it as strategically as possible. Fingers crossed, I went to sleep.
Voila! Next morning, here's the result:

Hopefully this is the only smart rat around.
Thanks, Marie Claire, for ushering in the Rat Year!
what on earth is rat glue??? is it a flavoured kind of glue where the rat is attracted to the smell/taste and then jumps onto it? I can't possibly see how a rat would WANT to cross over glue!
Geli pic lah - is the rat dead?
rat glue is a glue specially developed to stick to rats fur, doesn't dry up. i forgot to mention i placed a pinch of mooncake in the middle of it, which may have attracted it.
and yes, when i took this photo, it was still alive, struggling to free itself.
Ewww! Get rid if the evidence before SPCA gets a whiff of this!
So how did you dispose of it in the end? It looked so cute there. Ish, so cruel lah you!
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