Saturday, December 08, 2007

20 Seconds

You know that question, what would you say to a celebrity should you bump into them in a lift? It just doesn’t happen, you know?

Anyway, yesterday I went for another event, the “Oh hi dah-ling, so good to see you!” of which I have been invited to for the last few weeks, rubbing shoulders with the local celebrities. Now the last party I attended, I crashed into the gigantic pair of scissors that was used for cutting the official ribbon. Plus I got drunk after a couple of sips.

So last night, I went prepared. I had dinner first before going so that I could drink without getting drunk. Upon reaching, I stumbled over the tail of some animal floor mat as I walked in. Luckily, I didn’t crash onto the floor. What a klutz.

As I was about to go home, I was leaving with my colleague when he suddenly turned and greeted someone. I whipped around and saw it was Reshmonu. I extended my hand and exclaimed:
J: Hey! I went to the same uni.. I mean, college with you!
R: Sunway?
J: Yeah! But you probably won’t remember me!
R: Er… sorry! *grin*
J: *stupid grin* (trying to figure if I should whip out my business card)
R: But it’s great to meet you again
J: Yeah! *grin* Ok, see you!

My mental 10-second practice was “Hi! You may not remember me but I was friends with the Sudanese girls when we were in Sunway, do you remember them? You fainted behind one of them after class? Yeah, that one. Oh, by the way, I’m Jo and here’s my business card. Yes, you did the launch last month for my product although I didn’t liaise with you then. But do keep in touch!”

Sigh. I’ll update whatever embarrassing thing I’ll do at the next party.

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