Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Youth Camp

I just came back from a Youth Camp, even though I'm no longer a youth. It was rather fun, although I still felt a little out of place, being one of the oldest there. The camp speaker is a senior pastor of a local church who is one year older than me and speaks really well.

The youth had a blast of a time, with games and acting, singing and dancing. I got to be one of the judges! I had a great time watching them perform, laughing throughout the afternoon.

One of the committee actually introduced me as a quiet, gentle-wouldn't-hurt-a-fly girl. And yet at work, I'm known to be the one holding the whip. Two very contrasting characters. Hmmm... perhaps once I get used to the youth, then they'd know me better.

1 comment:

Grace said...

Aw, you're such a shy little flower!