Wednesday, July 06, 2005


You know, I'd rather stay at home, curled up with a book than go meet a friend in downtown. When I was in secondary school, I was like that but as soon as my wings spread when I went to college away from home, I changed. One hometown friend had noted how "extroverted" I had become. I was free and loved life to the fullest, surrounded with friends who helped me blossom.

Somehow, somewhere along the way, I started reverting back to my old reclusive ways. Note the use of the word reclusive as opposed to nerd. Yes, I read a lot to the point that KS is starting to demand "full attention" sessions and if I had a computer, I'd be stuck in front of it playing games.

Sometimes when the moon is just right, I have a flash of regret those extroverted days are gone. Perhaps the only way to cure it is to go do something like meet up with long time friends in town. Ha! That's as exciting as I can get these days!

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