Monday, July 18, 2005


I attended the Evangelistic Conference over the weekend and caught up with a friend E over lunch. He was telling me about how he was nearly mugged back in Seremban 3 weeks ago.

This guy had signalled him to come into a dark alley but E stood where he was and the guy started walking towards him. Giving him the benefit of doubt, E thought he might be asking for directions. Just before he reached him, E saw him signalling to someone else behind E and before he gathered his wits, the man asked him "You kenal itu perempuan ah?" which threw him off since he didn't know what he was referring to. Next instant, the guy punched him on his face and gripped his throat so that E couldn't even utter a single word (the marks are still on his throat and he occasionally experiences pain whenever he swallows hard). E flung back his fist and punched him on his jaw. The guy didn't let go so E kicked real hard and the guy finally let go, giving E the chance to run away. Looking back, he saw that the second guy had not managed to reach them in time otherwise he wouldn't have been able to escape.

Now, the infuriating part is this. E ran off to the nearest police station to make a report and when he described what the assailant has said to him, the policeman flicked him a lazy glance and drawled that E must has disturbed the guy's gal somehow. E kept insisting he didn't know who the girl was and that he works in KL so he couldn't possibly know this "girl". And the policeman briefly made a summary that since E was a lecturer, he could have flirted with the girl a month or two ago in his class "as most lecturers are capable of doing".

E was further infuriated when another policeman stepped in and asked what the case was. The policeman attending to E merely said "Ah, he stepped on someone's toes so he was bashed".

And the last straw was when E asked for an escort to bring him back to his car which was at the crime scene, the policeman laughed at his face and asked him to call his friends to come and take him there!

I can't believe how horrible these policemen are. We run to them for security, to listen to our story and what do they do? Mock us at our faces and put the blame on us without even giving us the benefit of doubt.

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