Monday, October 06, 2008

Camerons - After 2 Decades

So I was in Camerons over the weekend, two decades since I last visited it. This time around, we were there for the Youth Ministry planning so while KS and the rest toiled away at brainstorming, I happily kept myself occupied by reading, watching tv, writing, playing with Pastor's kids and eating.

We stayed at the OMF cottage (more like a mansion!). It comfortably fitted over 25 of us and we were given the best room.

This is the view outside one of our windows. Unfortunately I don't know what building this is but it looked pretty.

Some photos of the OMF building. So many gorgeous flowers too.
On the way down, we stopped by a strawberry farm and bought, well, strawberries and jam and vege (the kind I eat). Very cheap, of course.

And while we were there, we had a lovely waffles drenched in strawberry sauce and topped with ice cream. Yummy!

We took the old road back to KL and it was a really bad decision because the roads were so windy, someone threw up in the car. I was fortunate to be in the front seat so it wasn't so bad for me. Still, if we ever were to go back, I'd recommend to take the new road, even if it means it's further.

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