Saturday, March 25, 2006

Hot Green Tea

It's been a while since I've had such a happy Friday. As in, how happy I am that it's the end of the week. The weekend is looming ahead, the worries of last week is far behind and Monday is still 2 days away! La la lala....

On Wednesday, as mentioned, I bought my pot and mug to make green tea, right? Right after consuming the whole pot (which came up to 2 mugfuls) of the steaming brew, it started to get uncomfortably hot in my office. Of all times, the air cond had broken down! How ironic.

Nevertheless, as soon as the air cond was fixed this morning, I immediately made a bee line towards the the pantry to make a fresh new pot. One thing I realise though, is that I get a headache if I drink it in the morning. I wonder why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Green tea has some caffeine too you know...what sort of green tea are you drinking? The Japanese one with the fermented rice in it?