Sunday, July 02, 2006

Kitchen Idiosyncrasies

This is something I do not have. KS, stop smirking. Wait til you hear my colleagues "little habits". One says there is a particular way of slicing onions when you cook a dish with soy sauce. Or that fried kuey tiow is should NEVER be fried with chicken. It should only be fried with seafood or beef. Or did you know that when you fry leafy vege and if you want to put in cauliflower, you have to slice each flower so that it is the same flat shape as the leafy veg?

Even when it comes to potatoes, they have specific measurements and methods of cutting it up. For soups, it must be cubed. If it comes with chicken, it should be in wedges. Something like that.

My mum too has these tendencies. Slicing a carrot for this dish is different from another. Or the french beans must be sliced diagonally otherwise it isn't french beans. And beware, the minute it goes out of specifications, you get screamed at for not getting it right.

KS dear, aren't you glad I don't have this idiosyncracy?

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