Monday, July 17, 2006

Over Drinks

Because of the mass exodus and now the entrails of it with one more leaving (no more, I hope!), my boss decides to do something about it. He's invited us to be open with him, speak up if there's anything we aren't comfortable with and basically wants to get us going as a team.

So in his first effort, he asked the whole gang out for drinks. And I gave him only one rule: No talk of work. "Me? Talk about work? I never!"

He behaved and we all had a really good time just talking. Okay, okay, I talked the most, pulling out all my little stories of Eric and the Snake, Eric and the Burning Kitchen (I've just realised I haven't blogged this! And I found another story of Eric and the Gas Tank!), Singaporeans who Bought a Bear Cub in Thailand Thinking it was a Puppy... you know, all that party stories you save up to make others laugh. We had a good time although I could see Boss straining not to talk about work. He remained silent most part listening to our banter.

It's a good start though. Next time we're going to put him under the microscope and make him talk.

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