Sunday, January 07, 2007


While many people have taken the last couple of weeks to reflect on what they have done for the year 2006, I have been left grappling as to what I have actually achieved. Sure, it wasn't as though I didn't do anything but somehow I felt as though I haven't been... fruitful?

In fact, I had to read my blog as to what goals I had set for 2006 but saw that I decided to do without them, and wanting to take it easy. Somehow, there's a hollow feeling like I didn't carpe diem and that one whole year slipped by.

So, as much as I dislike doing this, I guess I will have to work out on what I'd like to achieve this year. A little pain for gain, I guess. All those management fellas screaming, "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail" clichès seem ... right. Sigh, so time to sit down and list my plans for the year.

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