Monday, June 20, 2005


Thank God for fingernails. My scalp is plaque with a forever itch, my legs which fed a thousand mosquitoes over the weekend and my feet which are almost bleeding from my incessant scratching have benefited with relief thanks to my nails.

Disgustingly, it comes with anti-social side effects: snowflakes from the top of my head with each swivel especially when I bend down towards my food, peppering it if I'm not careful, red angry scars from all that scratching, little lumps from mozzie bites with a big X right in the centre (again, thanks to my nails). So it is no wonder I'm glued to my seat and not wanting to move much as it will cause a flurry of scratches. Then I'd be scraping my dna from under my nails soon after.

I've never had chicken pox before but I know a chicken poxee will constantly be in a state of itch. If this is just a preview of what poxees suffer, I'm going to get myself a good pox jab. God help me that I don't need to get the jab in the first place!

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