Thursday, March 03, 2005


Yesterday as we made our way to cell group, I was sort of dragging my feet. It's been a long time since we really got involved in the cell and absense does make it easier to just say, "ah, let's skip this one this week". All throughout, my thoughts kept picking at negative things going around me, especially other people's mannerisms.

It was towards the end of the cell that I finally felt the reason why I was there last night. Even though we've sort of drifted apart, she broke down and poured her heart out about the family trouble she was going through. My heart just melted and really just wanted to reach out to her and comfort her. In the end, I'm just really glad that we have such an open cell group that we can just share with each other and support one another.

However, I still don't feel up to the mark of taking over again. I feel that my role as an assistant is just that, an assistant but the whole steering and direction of the cell group should come from the leader.

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