Monday, April 04, 2005

Whenever I feel afraid...

Last Friday we got home early and excitedly put on a DVD since we haven't watched a movie for some time. We saw Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Hmm... Jude Law IS cute! But nah, Brad Pitt is better in Meet Joe Black.

Anyway, after that I decided to "try out" the King & I DVD just to make sure it works. Yeah right. I ended up sleeping at 3am and was tired throughout the next day. So no worth it.

But as I watched it, I played the song "Whenever I feel afraid" and it did sort of make sense. "When I fool the rest, I fool myself as well". It's just like any emotion I guess. You can tell yourself to act happy, people think you're happy but in the end, you will feel happy. Just a matter of trying and choosing how you want to feel. It's always easier to choose to be grumpy but hey, that only affects everyone's mood. So I'll try not to choose to be grumpy as much as possible.

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