Friday, September 09, 2005


You know those chain mails in your inbox? I hardly read them anymore but today I just opened one which said "Chinese Proverb". It talks about how money can buy you stuff like a bed but not sleep etc. Then, it goes on saying that I must send it to 20 people because of this person didn't send it and he had bad luck etc. Oh, it says it's a Chinese proverb that has started in Netherlands, gone around the world eight times and sent by a missionary in South Africa. Yeah, right.

Anyways, enough of the bull. I was just thinking about when I was in Form 1, I got one of them chain mails. I actually photocopied 20 copies and slipped them onto the parked cars windshields and put them into mailboxes as I was walking to my friend's house.

Hey, where's that fortune I was promised 16 years ago??

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