Monday, October 03, 2005

Cat and Rat

Greeting us at the front door this morning was a very hungry Charles. Mating season's over, I guess, so now he's decided to adopt us again, plus the fact that he's starving too.

So we give him his usual handfuls of cat food and went about preparing to leave the house to go to work. Just then, KS discovered my rat trap had caught our recent Mr Rat who has been terrorizing our kitchen for the past week. I took the trap out to place it in the garden where the heat would eventually kill it.

Wow, the moment Charles saw the rat, he got super excited, crouching in preparation for a pounce and jumped at the cage. He was all over the trap, pawing it from every angle while the rat squealed in fear. Obviously the cat wouldn't have been able to claw the rat in any way so I wanted to leave them there but KS was so upset and made me take the trap to the back of the house, away from the cat.

Charles gave a loud pitiful wail as he saw me carrying it back into the house. His 5 minute toy. Oh well, if the rat survives today, I'll see how things go tomorrow although I don't desire feeding him with a rat.

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