Saturday, October 21, 2006

Lazy Bliss

I have a stretch of 5 days due to the Deepavali and Hari Raya holidays. Had great plans of baking til the oven couldn't take it anymore, reading until my eyes watered, being on the computer at great lengths, watching South Park episodes until my speech becomes like Cartman (dammit!), paint at least one shopping mall red and just LAZE around. But there's only 5 days, dammit! Suddenly, there isn't enough time to do all that!

Oh, and perhaps tidy up my bags of clothes.

For the past month, I have been living out of bags. What with all that travelling, staying over in PJ, my home hasn't been a home. I've grown to despise packing, unpacking, packing and then finally unpacking. Thus, I have at least 3 bags on the floor with clothes I have used/packed during the last few stays.

Anyways, there's our trip to Melaka squeezed into this 5 days too. My sis-in-law is back from Perth and also KS's dog is living on the edge due to old age.

I'll start packing AFTER I've had my fill of blogging, clearing my bags, doing laundry...

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