Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Long distance call

In January, my aunt packed up her luggage and left for Vancouver to help out in a church there. I tried contacting her via her email but never received a reply. I was only informed that she called once to tell my grandma and cousins that she had arrived safely.

Then today, she calls my office line. It's good to hear from her as I was getting a bit worried as to what's been happening to her. Funny thing was, she was already feeling cold before she left and Malaysia is summer year round and she was going smack in the middle of winter in Canada of all places! I was really worried that she might have just frozen when she stepped off the plane and the authorities had to defrost her while wondering whom to call.

Lesson learned: always remember to call home once in a while when you're away just so that your loved ones know you're still alive.

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