Monday, May 02, 2005


I'm back at Changi and have several hours of wait. NZ time is now past midnight and I'm feeling a tad sleepy.

Our flight from Singapore to Auckland was horrifying as the seats wouldn't recline from a sitting position to a still sitting position and I had nowhere to park my lolling head as I tried to catch 40 winks. But the worst part of it all was that 2 rows behind me, there was this kid who was experiencing some kind of pain (I hope that was the case otherwise the 10 hour non-sleep marathon for all of us on the flight would have been really wasted).

When we reached Auckland, we just crashed out at Kenneth's for a couple of hours. That night, we met up with Joanna and Graham. It's a strange thing, having to have flown all that miles and to hear news on Caroline (who's in Sabah) that she married and is now a mother! How ironic.

I'll write each significant episode of my trip in different headers for easy reference.

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