Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Public Toilets

Yes, that was our topic of conversation at lunch. We tend to have very interesting topics and those with a weak stomach may never want to eat with us again. Ask KS.

Anyway, we were discussing about the Malaysian mentality and why we're "not there yet" with our first class facilities. Of course, the best example was how we used our toilets. Cross a small strait into Singapore and their public toilets are generally such a pleasure to use. We pay to get into some of our toilets and yet never experience the same cleanliness we get overseas.

Some public toilets here have bars placed above the bowl to prevent squatting on the bowl. In Australia, my sister told me there is a signage in their toilets often used by Asians to request the users not to stand on the bowl. How embarrassing! We're famous for squatting on toilet bowls apart from being the best people to forge credit cards.

In fact, in my office toilet on my floor where people are supposed to be more "educated", I often find a watery blob of spit on the floor in the stall. If it's there long enough, the perimeter of it will be lined with small red ants happily drinking it in. I mean, how difficult is it to spit into the bowl in that small room for cryin' out loud??

My proposal is that we get rid of all squatting toilets at home so that everyone learns how to use a sitting one properly without taps. Our toilets always has a tap with a hose for washing up although it really beats me how one does that. I can't imagine using water as opposed to using toilet rolls to clean yourself up and then wear back your underwear. Wouldn't your clothes get wet?

Hmm... I wonder what's our next topic of lunch conversation.

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