Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Fisherman Story

I heard this story this morning at my church's Malaysian Cell Church Conference (MCCC). Dale Gallaway from New Hope Church in USA spoke on visions:

There was this fisherman who was fishing for hours when he noticed a nearby boat with a couple who were also fishing. Although he was there for hours, they seemed to be catching many fishes and he started to change his fishing rod, baits or whatever he could think of in order to lure in the fish. All to no avail.

He then observed the couple and noticed they were throwing back large fishes back into the waters and keeping the smaller ones. Frustrated and confused as to why they would do such a thing, he shouted out to them to ask why they were doing so.

The guy in the boat whipped out a small frying pan and said "The large fishes won't be able to fit into our frying pan!".

This was the coolest story I learnt over the whole 4 days of the seminar. Sometimes we get larger fish but because it doesn't fit into our pan (plans), we simply throw it out. God may have a bigger plan for us yet we only take what is convenient which fits comfortably into our daily schedule.

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