Wednesday, November 09, 2005

No Internet

One of my greatest fears about joining the new company is that I won't be able to get my internet connection. No more blogging! Apparently the banks are pretty strict with their internet surfing and judging from how I currently deal with them, they aren't even allowed to receive large emails, not even a jpg. Horror of all horrors.

Last month or so, we were told that our housing area has finally been fixed with telephone lines and we gleefully signed up for a Streamyx connection. However, after all this time, we haven't had news from them and I'm growing worried. If you don't book it fast enough, other people will get their connections and use up all the lines and we'd need to wait until Telekom fixes new lines. Of course, that would take a VERY long time. In the meantime, I think I'd kill myself without internet connection.

So I give the folks we signed up with a call this morning and yup, no one answers. Damnation.

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